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Our clients over the last 70 years have been satisfied with our world class services. here’s what they have to say.

At #Mandilasgroup, Our core values are created from six important principles that guide us in our daily activities both in house, with our clients and the external public
These principles are:
- I-Integrity – We Act With Integrity
- C-Care – We Care For The Future
- A-Accountability – We Believe in Accountability
- R-Respect For People – We Have Respect For People
- R-Reliability – We Are Reliability Personified
- E-Excellence – We Embody Excellence
Our Awards and Certifications
- ISO 90001 – 2008
- Toyota Best Dealer Service Manager
- Best Dealer Service Team
- Best Dealer Customer Relations Manager
- TMC Certification (Kodawari) – Ibadan
- Toyota Dealer of the Year
- Best Dealer Service Manager
- Best Dealer Service Team
- Best Customer Satisfaction Manager
- Best Customer satisfaction Team
- Best Parts Manager
- Best Part Team
- TMC Certification (Kodawari) – PH
- Toyota Best Dealer Service Manager
- Best Dealer Marketing Manager
- Best Dealer Marketing Team
- Best Dealer Service Team
- Best Dealer Technician in the National Skill Contest
- Best Dealer Body Technician in the National Skill Contest
- TMC Certification (Kodawari) – Warri
- Best Marketing Manager
- Best Marketing Team
- Best Parts Manager
- Best Parts Team
- Best Customer Service Manager
- Best Customer Service Team
- Best Service Manager
- Best Service Team
- Best Service Advisor
- Champion TNL Service Advisor Skill Contest – Front Office
- One Million Safe Working Hours Award NLNG
- 2nd Runner-Up Toyota Dealer of the year
- 2nd Runner-Up Toyota Sales Marketing Manager
- 2nd Runner-Up Toyota Dealer Service Team
- 3rd Runner-Up Toyota Parts Manager
- Double Digit Growth Award by Carrier
- Runner Up, Major Contractor Category, by Nigeria LNG Ltd
- Winner, Best Auto Workshop of the year presented by Nigeria Auto Journalists Association
- Winner, Best Auto Dealer presented by The Nigeria Automotive Industry
- Chevron Contractor Recognition Certificate for HSSE
- 1st Runner-Up Toyota Dealer of the year
- Best Customer Service Team
- Best Customer Service Manager